
We’re taking a holistic approach to sustainability focused on social, environmental and economic stewardship.
Only through a comprehensive approach can we make transformational and enduring change.

Sustaining Our World

The Formula to Feed the Future

By 2050, the world has to find a way to feed an additional 2 billion people. It’s a complex challenge and one we’re committed to helping solve by building an equitable and resilient food system — one that supports all people and sustains our planet. Our Formula is a collaborative approach that brings together both diverse expertise and scalable resources and focuses on three key ambitions:

- Empowering People, Customers & Community
- Conserving Natural Resources & Protecting Our Planet
- Innovating Smart, Responsible Agriculture

Learn more about each of these at our ESG Hub, a site that contains background information on ESG-related topics, data and policies. Please visit ESG Hub for our latest sustainability Report.